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Unique Tiffany Blue!

  Tiffany&Co. has designed exquisite packagings.Tiffany packaging have “Tiffany” logo on them and have special color which stands for Tiffany----a distinctive shade of blue. The famous Tiffany light blue is known all over the world, the color uses as the Tiffany packagings, and makes a statement before the box is even opened.Now the company is opening itself up to a much larger market, perhaps beginning a new trend of high-end retailers marketing to all people, and not only the wealthy.

  Tiffany&Co. was founded in 1837, a distinctive shade of blue was chosen to symbolize the company's renowned reputation for quality and craftsmanship. The color was adopted for use on Tiffany&Co. boxes, catalogues, shopping bags, brochures, as well as in advertising and other promotional materials. Over time, this lustrous color became so closely identified with Tiffany&Co.that it is today univesally recognizable as the trademark Tiffany Blue. 

  Glimpsed on a busy street or resting in the palm of a hand, Tiffany Blue boxes and shopping bags evoke images of elegance and exclusivity, as well as nature's lush bounty – long the inspiration for Tiffany design. True to the vision of Charles Lewis Tiffany, the Tiffany Blue Box was to become an American icon of style and sophistication.

  The tradition of the famed Tiffany Blue Box(tiffany packaging)has endured for one essential reason: its contents are unsurpassed in quality and design.